About this page
Terrier TV was created for two main reasons: to give Ed an idea for a web
page and to see what Morgan, the rat terrier, did while he was home alone.
The web cam was set up for Morgan's first day alone in the new house.
A pillow was placed near the front window and the webcam was aimed in that
direction. Ed and Becky spent most of the time at work that day watching
the pup on the internet. It was obvious that Morgan was uncomfortable in
his new surroundings. He would sit up and look out the window every couple
of minutes, then try to sleep only to get up and look around again.
Before long Morgan became accustomed to being the star of Terrier TV. But
to keep his parents on their toes, he would change his favorite sleeping
spot every other day. So then it became a guessing game as to where to set
up the webcam. Some days he would grace the internet voyeurs with his
presence and on others he would hide out of site. Now he spends most of his
time sleeping on the couch, waiting for his parents to come home to play
with him.
Check some classic Terrier TV shots in the
Photo Gallery
section of this website.